Sunday 31 March 2019

1974 கட்சத்தீவு ஒப்பந்தத்தில் சொல்லப்பட்டுள்ள விபரங்கள்

1974 கட்சத்தீவு ஒப்பந்தத்தில் சொல்லப்பட்டுள்ள விபரங்களை கீழே தந்துள்ளேன்
திமுக மீது வீண் பழி சுமத்தும் அறிவிலிகள் இதை படித்து அறிவை பெருக்கிக் கொள்ளவும்.
இதில் முக்கியமானது (4) மற்றும் (6)
Agreement between Sri Lanka and India on the Boundary in Historic Waters
between the two Countries and Related Matters
26 and 28 June 1974
The Govermment of the Republic of Sri Lanka and the Government of the Republic of India
Desiring to determine the boundary line in the historic waters between Sri Lanka and India and to settle the related
Having examined the entire question from all angles and taken into account the historical and other evidence and legal
Have agreed as follows:
matters in a manner which is fair and equitable to both sides,
aspects thereof,
Article 1
The boundary between Sn Lanka and India in the waters from Palk Strait to Adam's Bridge shall be arcs of Great
Circles between the following positions, in the sequence given below, defined by latitude and longitude
Position 1: 10°05' North, 8003 East
Position 2 09 57 North, 79 35 East
Position 3:0940.15' North, 79 22.60 East
Position 4:09°21.80 North, 79 3070 East
Position S:09 13 North, 79 32 East
Position 6:09 06 North, 79 32 East
Article 2
The co-ordinates of the positions specified in Article I are geographical co-ordinates and the straight lines connecting
them are indicated in the chart annexed hereto which has been signed by the surveyors authorized by the two Governments,
Article 3
The actual location of the aforementioned positions at sea and on the sea-bed shall be determined by a method to be
mutually agreed upon by the surveyors authorized for the purpose by the two Governments, respectively
Article 4
Each country shall have sovereignty and exclusive jurisdiction and control over the waters, the islands, the continental
shelf and the subsoil thereof, falling on its own side of the aforesaid boundary
Article 5
Subject to the foregoing. Indian fishermen and pilgrims will enjoy access to visit Kachchativu as hitherto, and will not
be required by Sri Lanka to obtain travel documents or visas for these purposes.
Article 6
The vessels of Sri Lanka and India will enjoy in each other's waters such rights as they have traditionally enjoyed
Article 7
If any single geological petroleum or natural gas structure or field, or any single geological structure or field of any
other mineral deposit, including sand or gravel, extends across the boundary referred to in Article 1 and the part of such structure
or field which is situated on one side of the boundary is exploited, in whole or in part from the other side of the boundary, the
two countries shall seek to reach agreement as to the manner in which the structure or field shall be most effectively exploited
and the manner in which the proceeds deriving therefrom shall be apportioned
Article 8
This Agreement shall be subject to ratification. It shall enter into force on the date of exchange of the instruments of
ratification which will take place as soon as possible.
Colombo, 26th June, 1974.
New Delhi, 28 June, 1974

page 21 Delimitation Treaties Infobase accessed on 18/03/2002

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